who we are and what we do
Flooring Refinishing & Interior Painting
In a time when big ticket items such as hardwood flooring have somehow become disposable, we prefer a different approach. Those old oak or pine floors with all of their dents, dings and beautiful imperfections tell the story of your home and who played and danced across them. Instead of scrapping them, let us refinish and preserve them for you.
When floors cannot be refinished or simply do not exist yet in your space, we also do new hardwood, vinyl and laminate installations.
The other half of our business is interior painting. Refinishing your wood floors and applying new paint to a living space are great ways to update and refresh the feel and look of your home. Whether you need one or both of these services, we have you covered.
call us at 215 920 8879 or email us at 1woodrestorer@gmail.com to schedule your appointment
All estimates are free.
We will only work with the best materials available and never compromise quality for time. Exceptional customer service is always our top priority, so we will always manage expectations appropriately on the outcome of a project and the schedule to complete it.
About The Owner
My love of restoring things began at a young age while working with my hero, my father. He was a boat builder and carved out a niche for himself as a restorer. He would bring me along for the restoration projects and start me off sanding and repairing the teak floors and trim on those boats. That early education in work ethic, technical know-how and attention to detail lead me to becoming an engineer while serving in the United States Marine Corps. My career afterwards in construction project management lead me back to what I was always most passionate about, restoring wood to a beautiful state.